Join us for our discussion about communication and it's importance in relationships, family affairs, and friendships. We talk about love languages, good ways to build communication bridges between yourself and those around you as well as what to look for to spot a poor communicator!
We discuss the pros and cons of the Uber/Lyft movement and some of the horror stories that have emerged from the chaos!
Come laugh with us and our special guest, Samad from Come to think of it, while we share and discuss our tales of interracial dating and the pitfalls of listening to stereotypes and unfounded opinions!
Online dating is everywhere and only getting bigger! Join us as we discuss the pitfalls of online dating and our experiences!!
Come listen as we discuss our thoughts on cults! What makes a cult a cult? How do cult leaders keep people believing in their word? We'll talk about these questions and lots more, so come laugh and learn with us!!
Today we have Grace, a cult survivor! Listen in as we speak to her about how she ended up there, what life was like, and how she was able to break free of their grasp!
Come check out our first ode to the true crime genre while we sit & share one of our favorite topics with you!!
Chill with us while we speak about the wives of serial killers and hitmen and take a peek into the other side of their lives!
Join Heidi and Tommy as they discuss all sorts of conspiracies, from the Denver airport to underground bunkers, from Mattress Firm to lab-created COVID, and more!
Today Heidi and Tommy sit down and discuss sex stuff! Not the usual stuff though, you might just find yourself scratching your head in between laughs when these two get going!!
Yep, you read that correctly! This week we sit down and talk about polyamory in it's many forms, from having multiple husbands to being a part of a polyamorous relationship while still remaining single through it all!
Come laugh and learn with us!!
Today we discuss social media stuff, as per a fan request, and delve into it's influence in our lives! Don't miss our rant at the end about dieting, too!!